Video of Tesla Semi effortlessly pulling Model 3 cargo is a glimpse at the future of deliveries

Tesla’s Semi Truck is nearing production readiness, and a new video showing the long hauler transporting its brethren Model S, Model 3, and Model X all-electric vehicles demonstrate the company’s continued commitment to its development.

A photo of the Tesla Semi truck with its full trailer attachment was first teased by CEO Elon Musk on Twitter, but the seemingly effortless, acceleration of the massive truck despite a heavy cargo load can only really be appreciated when seen in action.

A Model S camera car is seen following close behind as the Semi Truck leaves the frame, indicating that a full production video is likely to be forthcoming.

via Gfycat

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Utilizing the Tesla Semi truck for delivery of its all-electric vehicles will allow the company to come full circle on its sustainable energy goals, as it relates to shipping and logistics. Musk has said in the past that Tesla intends to produce its own cargo carriers for vehicle deliveries, but is currently purchasing trucks and trailers to help satisfy increasing demand.

Sightings of Tesla Semi test mules have been somewhat frequent since its November 2017 unveiling, indicating that progress has still been ongoing for the hauler despite the company’s main priority to expand into the consumer car market. Elon Musk acknowledged the impact its other commitments have had on the California-based company’s efforts.

We’ve been so mired in production & logistics for past 18 months. Really looking fwd to getting Semi into production,” he said via Twitter.

Tesla Semi hauling Tesla Model S, 3, and X cars. | Credit: Tesla

The Model 3 created a sales surge which manifested into a production and logistics “hell” for the all-electric car maker. However, lessons learned from that struggle will likely carry into a smoother future for its Semi manufacturing efforts. The initial time frame for production of the Tesla Semi is sometime this year, as predicted by Musk.

RELATED: Tesla adds Semi truck diecast toy in 1:24 scale to its online store

Test drive events have also been offered to some Tesla Semi reservation holders, providing valuable feedback from the industry that it hopes to win over.

Once the Tesla Semi is in customers’ hands and on the road, it has the potential to be a true disruptor in the trucking industry. Its stats, for one, are certainly desirable: 0-60 mph in 5 seconds, 500+ mile battery range supplemented by a “Megacharger” network, autonomous convoy technology, unparalleled visibility, and 80,000 lb load capacity.

Savings of $200k in fuel per one million miles driven makes the financial case for conversion from diesel-powered haulers to the all-electric Tesla Semi. Competitors with alternative energy powerhouses are beginning to pop up, Nikola Motor Company being one, but for now, Tesla is taking the lead and will potentially have the upper hand in the industry for a notable amount of time.

Video of Tesla Semi effortlessly pulling Model 3 cargo is a glimpse at the future of deliveries


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