The first videos of Tesla’s no-confirmation Navigate on Autopilot are starting to get shared online, and they are providing a glimpse at the capabilities of the electric car maker’s latest driver-assist feature. Based on footage from Tesla owners who have received the update, it appears that Navigate on Autopilot’s latest iteration is behaving pretty close to full self-driving.
Tesla is rolling out no-confirmation Navigate on Autopilot with the release of version 2019.8.5 of its software. The company noted on its announcement for the feature that since the introduction of Navigate on Autopilot’s initial iteration, Tesla owners have traveled more than 66 million miles with the driver-assist feature engaged. Over this time, more than 9 million suggested lane changes have been executed successfully while Navigate on Autopilot was active.
The initial rollout of the upgraded Navigate on Autopilot and Enhanced Summon was announced by Elon Musk mid-March, but so far, demos of the new features uploaded online have been mostly focused on Enhanced Summon. With more vehicles receiving 2019.8.5, a greater number of owners are discovering just how much of a game-changer the upgraded Navigate on Autopilot really is.
Demos of the updated driver-assist system in action have been shared by Tesla owners Earl Banning and @M3Exp on Twitter, both of whom expressed amazement at how smooth and capable Navigate on Autopilot has become after the 2019.8.5 update. Elaborating on their experiences, Banning mentioned in his social media post that his vehicle only required one intervention (he accelerated faster) during his test, while @M3Exp stated that no-confirmation Navigate on Autopilot avoided an accident while he was testing the new feature. Another Model 3 owner, Dr. Camilo Ortiz, noted that his vehicle practically drove him all the way home in the rain, and it dealt with NYC traffic in the process.
Navigate on Autopilot is currently listed under the company’s Full Self-Driving suite, which costs $5,000 when purchased with a vehicle. If bought after delivery, Tesla’s FSD suite can be ordered for a $7,000 additional fee. Vehicles equipped with the now-retired Enhanced Autopilot are also compatible with the feature.
During an episode of ARK Invest’s For Your Innovation podcast, Elon Musk noted that he is confident Tesla could introduce Full Self-Driving features this 2019. The company’s vehicles are being prepared for the rollout of these capabilities, as indicated by data hinting at Tesla’s custom Hardware 3 already being installed in new vehicles. Some of these new features are expected to be showcased this coming April 22 during Tesla’s livestreamed Autonomy Investor Day, which will involve test drives in vehicles equipped with Autopilot and Full Self-Driving features that are yet to be rolled out.
Watch more demos of no-confirmation Navigate on Autopilot in the videos below.

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