Tesla has announced that all of its inventory Model S and Model X today will be granted with Free Unlimited Supercharging, a perk that was previously retired when the electric car maker ended its long-running Referral Program. The Free Unlimited Supercharging offer will run until June 30, the end of the second quarter.
The update was posted on the company’s official Twitter handle. “Important Announcement (unless you like paying for gas): All inventory Model S and Model X cars now come with unlimited free Supercharging. This ends on June 30,” Tesla wrote.
Free Unlimited Supercharging is among the perks offered by Tesla to electric car owners for years, eventually becoming a trademark feature of the flagship Model S and Model X amidst the ramp of the higher-volume Model 3. It was also one of the rewards in Tesla’s retired Referral Program, which involved large prizes such as the next-generation Roadster. Eventually, and as Tesla’s fleet of vehicles grew, Elon Musk explained that Free Unlimited Supercharging was not really sustainable at volume production.
“Sorry, it’s not really sustainable at volume production & doesn’t incent optimal behavior. We probably should have ended this earlier,” Musk noted.
The offer did make a comeback when Tesla relaunched its Referral Program earlier this year, but instead of unlimited Supercharger credits, the company offered 1,000 miles of free Supercharging in its place. An update to the program later increased this to 5,000 miles until May 28.
Free Unlimited Supercharging might seem like a rather minor benefit back when it was readily available, but today, the merits of the offer are incredibly prominent. As Tesla’s fleet of vehicles grows at an unprecedented pace, and as access to the company’s charging stations get more constrained, Free Unlimited Supercharging will likely become a rare commodity.
This advantage will likely be even more prominent amidst the improvements that Tesla is rolling out to its Supercharger Network, such as the recently rolled-out 150 kW peak charge rates for the Model S and Model X in its V2 network. With these optimizations in place, Supercharging stops will translate to even less time off the road. These improvements will likely make long road trips more convenient for Model S and X owners, and not having to pay for charging will make these journeys even better.
Browse Tesla’s inventory Model S and Model X here.

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