Kimbal Musk trolls Fox with ‘Plant a Seed Day’ in exchange about Tesla’s new chair

It appears that the art of trolling runs deep between the Musk brothers. While Elon Musk is known to troll on Twitter from time to time, the trolling chops of Kimbal Musk have mostly been untapped. That is, of course, until recently, when Kimbal ended up aggravating Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney by trolling him with a barrage of plugs for “Plant a Seed Day,” an initiative from his nonprofit, Big Green, that aims to encourage American families to plant a seed on March 20, 2019.

During the amusing segment, the Fox Business host attempted to ask Kimbal about Robyn Denholm’s activities as Tesla’s new chair. Denholm, who has been with the board since 2014, and who has experience in both tech and auto companies as a finance executive, was named earlier this month as a replacement for the outgoing Elon Musk, who was forced to vacate his Chairman post as part of his settlement with the SEC. Denholm’s appointment was widely supported by Elon Musk and Tesla’s supporters, who noted that he was looking forward to working closely with the finance veteran.

It did not take long before Denholm’s appointment attracted some creative speculations among Tesla’s critics. Headlines such as “Tesla’s New Chair Is Part of the Furniture,” “Tesla’s New Chair Won’t Do Much to Rein In Elon Musk,” and “Taming Elon Musk: New Tesla chair, board members face a tough job” have been prevalent since Denholm’s appointment, suggesting that there might be a certain degree of conflict between Musk and the new chair as she attempts to keep the CEO in line.

Varney’s questions towards Kimbal Musk during the short-lived interview suggest that he was traversing a similar line. “Look, Kimbal, you are on the board at Tesla. And you’ve got a new chair. Have you heard anything from her? You’ve got to tell me, is she laying down the law? Have you had contact with her? What’s she saying? What’s she doing on the board?” the Fox Business host asked.

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Kimbal Musk, for his part, proved immovable, simply stating that he was “so happy for the future of Tesla.” He also mentioned Plant a Seed Day on March 20, 2019, where his nonprofit, Big Green, aims to get a million American families to plant a seed in their backyards. During the course of the brief interview, Kimbal plugged Plant a Seed Day five times, much to the chagrin of the Fox Business host.

A visibly upset Varney eventually decided to throw in the towel, saying “You think my viewers want to learn about plant a seed day? Do you really? They don’t care, Kimbal. They don’t care!” Kimbal, for his part, continued plugging Plant a Seed Day, stating that the event is “going to be awesome.” At that point, Varney opted to cut the interview.

“Okay, okay. I’m wrapping it up, I’m sorry. Wait a minute, I am responsible to my audience. I’m sorry it’s over. I will not be used,” Varney said, visibly aggravated.

Plant a Seed Day is being coordinated by Big Green, Kimbal Musk’s nonprofit whose mission is to promote and foster a healthy food lifestyle for America’s schoolchildren. A centerpiece of Big Green’s initiatives is the Learning Garden, which are modular gardens that are set up in schools where children could plant and harvest crops. In a blog post on Medium, Kimbal noted that Plant a Seed Day is working with “national and international distribution, brand, and sponsorship partners” to get over 1 million seeds to families for March 20, 2019.

“At Big Green, when my team works with a new Learning Garden school, we encourage teachers to have their students draw out their dream garden. It’s one of my favorite activities because this is when the magic begins. Kids will draw unicorns watering tomato plants, banana trees growing next to their school, or plants that talk, walk, and water themselves. The creativity and energy put toward creating a dream garden is endless. Soon the children realize the real magic of a garden is in planting a seed, watering it, caring for it, and watching it grow.

“Planting a seed is the first and powerful step to making a big change in food education. We have seen this critical step taken thousands of times in the schools we work with through Big Green. On March 20, 2019 we will bring those magical moments to millions of children.”

To learn more about Plant a Seed Day, click here.

Watch Kimbal Musk’s short-lived interview with Fox Business below.

Kimbal Musk trolls Fox with ‘Plant a Seed Day’ in exchange about Tesla’s new chair

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