Tesla is looking to beef up its workforce in China, and if recent job listings are any indication, it appears that the company is aiming to hire more frontline workers for Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai.
Reports out of China say that Tesla will be conducting a job fair on Dec. 28, 2019, specifically for production line positions such as assembly, powertrain, welding, painting, stamping, quality control, logistics, among others.
Tesla Model S and Model X owner @Ray4Tesla shared the job posts via Twitter, detailing positions to be filled at Gigafactory Shanghai’s final assembly workshop, stamping workshop, painting workshop, and quality department. Roughly translated from Chinese, the post is asking applicants to send in their resumes for initial screening.
As Tesla prepares to deliver the first Made-in-China Model 3 units to local customers by next month, the electric car manufacturer is also getting ready to ramp up production of the Model 3 to meet the demands in the largest market for mid-sized premium sedans. Tesla also believes that the country could become its biggest market for the Model 3.
The electric carmaker’s production line at the 210-acre Shanghai facility is estimated to be be producing around 1,000 Model 3 units per week according to local reports. This could be a good boost to help Tesla achieve its goal of producing 360,000 to 400,000 this year. Initially, Tesla plans to produce around 250,000 units per year at the Gigafactory 3 and this will eventually rise to 500,000 vehicles annually.
Tesla has been raising its game in China as recent sightings show that the parking lot at the Shanghai facility is teeming with activities, with more transport trucks coming and going to bring locally-made Model 3s to delivery centers and showrooms across China. Likewise, workers are seen building a temporary parking lot that will possibly hold more Model 3 units rolling off the production line.
Tesla raked in $669 million in revenues from China during Q3 of 2019 and roughly $2.138 billion for the first nine months of the year. These numbers represent about 10.6 percent and 12.4 percent of the company’s total revenue, respectively. One can only expect these figures to go up as Gigafactory Shanghai hits its full production potential.
Analysts in China are optimistic with the entry of Tesla in the country’s EV market. “Tesla is a very famous and hot brand in China. It is not only an EV car brand to consumers, but also a brand of high-technology image,” said senior analyst at Shanghai-based consultancy LMC Automotive Alan Kang.

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