Tesla’s Elon Musk reportedly spoke with Polish PM about electromobility adoption

In a recent statement, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki admitted that he had spoken to Elon Musk about initiatives that could push electromobility further. While it took some time for the conversation to be arranged, the Prime Minister noted that he was able to speak with the Tesla CEO directly.

“Indeed, I talked to Mr. Elon Musk, which is one of the leading figures of electromobility. We need to wait a few months to be with Elon Musk from this conversation, but this conversation has actually taken place,” he said (quote is translated from energetyka24, a Polish news site).

Mr. Morawiecki is expected to visit the United States this week. While addressing the publication, the Prime Minister noted that he will be meeting with a number of investors and entrepreneurs to discuss the idea of investing in Poland. “First of all, there are meetings with investors, with Wall Street in New York, but also with the American media and, above all, those entrepreneurs who want to invest in Poland. We want to attract American capital for modern investments because it translates into high-wage jobs,” he said.

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It remains to be seen exactly how Tesla and Poland could cooperate towards a shared goal. Nevertheless, Poland is already deeply committed to electromobility, with the government planning and introducing a number of electric vehicle-friendly regulations for consumers. Among these are subsidies for EVs, state energy companies investing in the buildout of electric car charging infrastructure, and laws encouraging new buildings to have designated parking spots where EVs could be charged, to name a few.

Poland is also among the countries which are looking to be the site for Tesla’s Europe Gigafactory, which Elon Musk has mentioned in the past. Musk discussed Gigafactory 4 (a tentative name for the upcoming facility) back in July 2018, stating that Germany is the leading choice for the Europe-based factory. Poland, for its part, has noted that its initiatives such as its Strategy for Responsible Development and organizations such as the Polish Development Fund will support Tesla if the company builds Gigafactory 4 in the country, as noted in defence24. Some reports later emerged which hinted that Tesla and Poland were in talks, but the reports remained unconfirmed.

Amid Tesla’s continued ramp of its activities, the company will need more Gigafactories to meet the demand for its vehicles and energy storage products. Today, every vehicle Tesla delivers to Europe is manufactured in Fremont, CA. But with a Gigafactory in Europe building vehicles in the same manner that Gigafactory 3 will be manufacturing the Model 3 and Model Y in China, Tesla’s expansion across the globe could become a lot smoother and far less painful.

Tesla’s Elon Musk reportedly spoke with Polish PM about electromobility adoption


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Tesla Model 3 debuts at Shanghai Auto Show, Model Y heading to upcoming US show

Tesla has made its presence known in the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show, showcasing its existing electric car lineup to the event’s attendees. For the event, Tesla displayed a Model S, Model X, two Model 3, and a Supercharger.

Tesla’s booth was fairly small and simple compared to the booths of other car manufacturers like China-based NIO, but the electric car maker attracted a notable number of people nonetheless. Tesla appears to have brought over a Performance and non-Performance Model 3 to the event, as hinted at by the presence of China-exclusive Power Sports Wheels on one vehicle and 19″ Sport Wheels on another.

(Photo: Christian Prenzler/Teslarati)
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One thing that is noticeably absent on Tesla’s booth at the Shanghai Auto Show is the recently-unveiled Model Y SUV, which was showcased in the United States last month. A Tesla spokesperson explained the absence of the Model Y at the Shanghai Auto Show, stating that the upcoming all-electric vehicle will instead be shown at an upcoming event in the United States this month.

The Model Y is a key component of Tesla’s strategy for the Chinese market, considering that the vehicle caters to an incredibly popular segment in the country. So important is the Model Y that affordable versions of the vehicle will actually be built on Gigafactory 3 alongside the Model 3, Tesla’s other mass-market vehicle. With affordable versions of the Model 3 and Model Y saturating China, Tesla might finally be able to tap into the country’s very lucrative and consistently growing electric car market.

(Photo: Christian Prenzler/Teslarati)

Elon Musk has noted that the Model Y shares around 75% of its components with the Model 3, and this is incredibly evident in the exterior appearance of the two vehicles. The Model Y is essentially a Model 3 that’s around 10% larger, which allows the vehicle to have third-row seats and more than ample headroom for tall passengers. The vehicle is also equipped with what could only be described as Tesla’s best glass roof to date.

Tesla’s presence in the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show might be pretty understated considering its simple booth and its Model Y-less display, but these details belie the company’s upcoming presence in the country’s auto market. Gigafactory 3 is currently being built in an incredibly rapid manner, with the project’s Phase 1 buildout entering the roof paving stage just three months after Tesla held a groundbreaking ceremony for the facility. Shanghai officials expect the initial buildout of a general assembly building to be completed by May, and by the end of the year, Tesla expects to begin manufacturing the Model 3 on the Shanghai-based site.

Tesla Model 3 debuts at Shanghai Auto Show, Model Y heading to upcoming US show


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Tesla Model 3 battery module replacements to cost $5k to $7k, says Elon Musk

The Tesla Model 3 is a car that is built to last. This is something that was highlighted by Elon Musk this Saturday when he discussed some aspects of the Model 3, including its drive unit, body, and battery modules on Twitter.

Quite interesting in Musk’s post was his mention of battery module replacements. The CEO stated that current Model 3 battery modules should last 300,000 to 500,000 miles, which is the equivalent of 1,500 cycles. After this, the battery modules could be replaced, and it will cost roughly $5,000 to $7,000.

Replacing battery modules instead of the whole pack is a pretty clever strategy for Tesla, considering that it saves electric car owners from having to purchase a completely different battery pack once some modules lose their capability to perform optimally. With this system in place, the costs associated with battery replacements will get significantly reduced.

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It should be noted that Tesla’s batteries are among the best in the market today. Thus, even batteries that will be removed and replaced from vehicles will likely still be good enough to be used for other purposes. The DIY community will definitely appreciate these modules, as they could be used for energy storage in RVs, as well as electric car conversion kits.

Musk also pointed out that the Model 3 drive unit and body are designed similar to that of commercial trucks, giving them a million-mile life. This is not the first time that the CEO or Tesla mentioned the durability of the Model 3’s drive unit. Last October, Tesla uploaded an image of a pristine Model 3 drive unit on social media. According to the electric car maker then, the drive unit in the image had been validated for over a million miles.

The drive units of electric cars like the Model 3 feature far fewer moving parts compared to an internal combustion engine, making them far less likely to break down. This is something that Tesla has refined over the years, and as shown in analysis from auto teardown experts like Sandy Munro, the Model 3’s drive unit is already smaller, more powerful, and more efficient than the competition.

The same is true for the Model 3’s body. The Model 3 is among the safest vehicles on the road, garnering a perfect 5-star rating from the NHTSA. Part of the reason behind this is the Model 3’s body that uses ultra-high-strength steel and aluminum, as well as its all-electric construction which features generous crumple zones. As could be seen in several accounts of owners following a Model 3 accident, these design elements help the electric sedan protect its passengers.

The Model 3 might only be starting its worldwide ramp, but it is already helping several countries shift away from the internal combustion engine. This was shown prominently at the end of the first quarter when the Model 3 helped Norway sell more EVs than gas-powered cars for the first time, and when the electric sedan became the top-selling car in Switzerland in March, bar none.

Tesla Model 3 battery module replacements to cost $5k to $7k, says Elon Musk


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Tesla dips amid Elon Musk’s 12-month vehicle forecast, TSLA coverage observations

Tesla stock (NASDAQ:TSLA) is dropping after the opening bell on Monday, on the heels of Elon Musk’s new guidance for the company’s performance in the following 12 months, as well as a fresh round of criticisms from its dedicated skeptics.

Musk’s estimate came as part of a discussion about the impact of Tesla in the auto industry. In his tweet, Musk stated that there are 2.5 billion cars and trucks on the planet; thus, even replacing 1% of that number will require a production rate of 25 million vehicles per year. “Tesla will make over 500k cars in next 12 months, but that’s a mere 2% of 25M or 0.02% of global vehicle fleet. Car industry slow -> demand >> supply,” Musk wrote.

Apart from Musk’s comments about Tesla’s production in the coming year, the CEO also discussed his disappointment at the coverage the electric car maker has been receiving from mainstream media. Musk mentioned a number of publications in his tweets, including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal. True to form, the Wall Street Journal promptly published a negative piece about Tesla on Monday, criticizing, of all things, how the company “can’t stop dreaming big.”

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Tesla has been facing a notable amount of criticism after it released its Q1 vehicle delivery and production report, which revealed that the company showed a roughly 30% decline in electric car deliveries and a 12% decline in production compared to Q4 2018. Tesla’s vehicle deliveries actually grew 110% in the first quarter of 2019 compared to Q1 2018, but these figures mostly got lost in the pileup of negative coverage that the company received after releasing its first-quarter results.

Among the most prominent voices that immediately went on the offensive against Tesla was short-seller and Greenlight Capital CEO David Einhorn, who promptly wrote a letter to investors claiming that “the wheels are falling off” at Tesla, which is allegedly “on the brink” due to slowed demand, “desperate” price cutting, cutting CapEx, layoffs, and the departure of senior executives. Einhorn further blasted the company for allegedly using its customers as “guinea pigs,” while predicting that “without initial surge demand elsewhere, TSLA will struggle to even maintain first quarter unit volumes.”

In response to the Greenlight Capital CEO’s allegations, Fox Business Network’s Charlie Gasparino noted that Tesla’s senior executives remain confident in the company as well as its financial state. Gasparino described the sentiments of Tesla’s senior executives as follows.

“Bankers are now, when you see sort of controversy like this, people questioning the numbers of Tesla, whether it’s selling enough cars, and particularly their cash position, that’s the signal for bankers to go and pitch financing deals to Tesla, and they are doing it actively as we speak. But what the company is saying is much different than what Einhorn is saying. This is what the company is telling bankers: they don’t believe there’s a need for financing in the near-term. What they describe as near-term, three months, maybe six months. They don’t think that their cash position is eroding as fast as the street and Mr. Einhorn and other people think it’s eroding. They believe in the near-term, that their finances are fine,” Gasparino said.

Tesla’s senior executives reportedly maintain support for Elon Musk as well. “Now, we should also point out that Tesla executives and these are senior executives, the conversation always turns to crazy Elon. They describe him as ‘crazy,’ ‘a handful,’ but here’s the best one: ‘a weird dude.’ But they also say, despite his quirks, they describe him as a genius. They also believe in the company, despite all the competition that’s coming at them from others in the electric car space who are gonna get the sort of government handouts that Tesla got early on. They think they have the best electric car in the world. They are well-poised, they got the right guy leading it, (and it’s) a guy who will work 24/7 to make it work,” Gasparino added.

As of writing, Tesla is trading at -3.08% at $259.46 per share.

Disclosure: I have no ownership in shares of TSLA and have no plans to initiate any positions within 72 hours.

Tesla dips amid Elon Musk’s 12-month vehicle forecast, TSLA coverage observations


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Tesla Gigafactory 3 Phase 1 enters roof paving stage ahead of May 2019 target

A recent flyover of Gigafactory 3 has revealed that the upcoming electric car factory continues to follow an incredibly rapid buildout, with the first phase of the project seemingly entering the roof paving stage.

The flyover of the Gigafactory 3 site was conducted once more by China-based Wuwa Vision (烏瓦), a drone operator who has been following the progress of the construction since last October. Between the drone operator’s previous trip on the site back on April 5 and this recent flyover, significant progress appears to have made in the site’s Phase 1 section, which is expected to correspond to the construction of a general assembly building.

Compared to previous videos taken of the site, more roof trusses are now in place, and some workers are now paving some areas of the general assembly building’s steel roof structure. More steel foundations appear to have been laid as well, and the framework of what seems to be a multi-story section is currently being built.

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Similar to previous flyovers, the 864,885-square meter site continues to be abuzz with activity, with dozens of heavy machinery working continuously alongside a workforce that works on the project 24/7. The site’s round-the-clock operating schedule was mentioned in a previous video by a worker employed in the project, who confirmed that activities in Gigafactory 3 does not stop.

What is particularly remarkable is that the construction of Gigafactory 3 has only started a couple of months ago. Elon Musk visited China in early January for the facility’s groundbreaking ceremony, and in the span of just three months, the Gigafactory 3 site has been transformed from a large muddy field into an area where a massive general assembly building is taking shape. This pace serves the project well, considering that Shanghai official Chen Mingbo has given the project a May 2019 target date for completion.

Tesla Automotive President Jerome Guillen and Shanghai Deputy Mayor Wu Qing recently held a meeting about the progress of the facility’s buildout, where they discussed, among other things, the initial setup of vehicle production equipment starting this May, according to reports from local news media who covered the event. Based on this timeframe, it appears that Tesla is aiming to start preparing the site for vehicle production while construction in other areas of the 864,885-square meter lot are still ongoing.

Watch the recent Gigafactory 3 flyover in the video below.  

Tesla Gigafactory 3 Phase 1 enters roof paving stage ahead of May 2019 target


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SpaceX’s Falcon 9 wins launch of an asteroid-attacking NASA spacecraft

Just minutes before SpaceX began fueling Falcon Heavy for its commercial launch debut, NASA announced that the company had won a contract for its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, to be launched by Falcon 9 for the low cost of $69M.

Designed to cost less than $250M total, the DART mission will aim to be as light and fast as possible, using a dedicated Falcon 9 to send the ~600 kg (~1300 lb) spacecraft and its Italian companion cubesat on an ~11 million kilometer (~7M mi) journey to the binary asteroid Didymos. The ultimate purpose of DART is to effectively prove out both technologies and physics that could be used in the future to defend Earth from asteroids known to be on a collision course.

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If all goes as planned during DART’s imminent design review milestones and hardware integration, Falcon 9 could launch the spacecraft towards the Didymos asteroid system in June 2021 for an October 2022 arrival. That “arrival” would involve DART impacting Didymos-B – the smaller of the pair at 163 m (535 ft) across – at a relative velocity of more than 6 km/s (3.7 mi/s). Nicknamed Didymoon, Didymos-B effectively orbits Didymos-A. At that speed, the ~600 kg probe will create an impact with the equivalent explosive force of nearly two and a half tons of TNT, the purpose of which is to determine just how much the sheer kinetic energy of impact can modify a small body’s orbit around the main asteroid.

Estimates from the spacecraft’s mission managers expect Didymoon’s orbit to be shifted by about 1% as measured by the time it takes to orbit Didymos-A, from ~11.9 hours to ~11.8 to 12.0 hours. This is a very small change but one that should – in theory – be easily measurable by telescopes on Earth, despite the fact that Didymoon has been estimated to have a mass of approximately 3.5 million metric tons (7.6 billion pounds), approximately seven million times heavier than DART. In short, NASA is going to functionally bomb an asteroid moon to see if humans might be able to use kinetic impactors to gently ‘boop’ threatening space objects off of the offending trajectory years or even decades in advance.

Despite the inherently destructive, single-use nature that DART’s impactor status bestows, current plans thankfully include an Italian cubesat known as LICIACube. The small copassenger will deploy two days before impact to fully exploit the scientific value of DART’s demise with high-quality photos of the event and aftermath. LICIACube will be traveling the same speed and thus won’t be able to enter orbit around the asteroid system, but a European Space Agency (ESA) mission known as Hera plans to do just that in the mid-2020s to better characterize Didymos and the crater (hopefully) made by DART.

Aside from the mission itself, DART serves as a technology demonstration platform for NASA. It will mark the first in-space use of the NASA-built NEXT-C ion thruster and powerpack, as well as the first standalone use of Roll-Out Solar Array (ROSA) deployment mechanism (shown above being tested on the ISS). Even more intriguing is a proposed transformational solar array planned at one point for DART, a flexible combination of advanced solar cells (~33% efficient) and mirror concentrators that could feed a spacecraft five times as much power for a given solar array area and distance from the sun. It’s unclear whether this will make it into DART’s final design but it still appears to be on the table as of January 2019. According to the contracted manufacturer, DART’s solar array will produce ~6.6 kW, while rough estimates suggest that the solar array will have an area of 16 m^2 (170 ft^2). Relative to the simplicity of the deployment mechanism and small size of DART (~600 kg total), this is an incredible amount of accessible power.

The most recent render of the NASA/APL DART spacecraft. (NASA/APL)
Falcon 9 B1045 rolls out to LC-40 ahead of SpaceX’s first dedicated NASA payload, the TESS exoplanet observatory. (SpaceX)

Getting to orbit

For NASA’s SpaceX launch contract, the agency will pay just $69M, barely 10% above Falcon 9’s bare-minimum list price of $62M. It’s safe to assume that the timing of the contract award – days after SpaceX abruptly dropped an official protest of ULA winning a ~$150M NASA contract – might not be coincidence. Regardless, SpaceX’s decision to bid so low for a NASA launch does lend some serious credence to the company’s protest that ULA’s contract for the mission – NASA’s LUCY asteroid explorer – was “vastly more [expensive]” than the bid SpaceX submitted.

Weighing just ~600 kg (~1300 lb) wet, DART could end up launching with additional copassengers on Falcon 9, although there is a precedent set by NASA’s ~360 kg TESS and Taiwan’s Formosat-5 for SpaceX giving tiny spacecraft dedicated launches. Additionally, it’s possible that DART will launch on a flight-proven Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket, given the likelihood that NASA will have certified flight-proven SpaceX vehicles for almost any launch by 2021.

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SpaceX’s Falcon 9 wins launch of an asteroid-attacking NASA spacecraft


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Tesla Model X steals the show at Jaden Smith’s Coachella performance

A Tesla Model X recently stole the show at Jaden Smith’s performance in the 2019 Coachella Music Festival in Indio, CA on Friday. The rapper-artist decided to include some flourish on his set by performing on top of the all-electric SUV while the vehicle was suspended in the air.

Smith performed several of his songs in his Coachella appearance, among them Summertime (an unreleased song) and Icon, a rap track that heavily featured a Tesla Model X, Falcon Wing Doors up, in its official music video. The rapper’s performance was augmented by the appearance of some big names in the music-entertainment industry, including his sister, Willow Smith, and Jordyn Woods. Smith’s performance also paid tribute to slain rapper Nipsey Hussle, who was laid to rest in Los Angeles just hours before the Coachella performance.

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Based on images and videos of Smith’s set, the Tesla Model X’s dashboard appears to have been modified specifically for the performance. The Model X’s panoramic windshield, for one, was taken off, allowing Smith to stand on the vehicle’s dashboard. A stagehand joined Smith in the Model X, sitting on the white second-row seats while the performance was ongoing.

The Tesla Model X might still be polarizing for some die-hard gearheads, but the all-electric SUV is already becoming the “must-have” vehicle of choice for many of the entertainment and music industry’s elite. Apart from Smith’s prominent use of the Model X as a prop in his music videos (and now his Coachella performance), the vehicle, as well as its sedan sibling, the Model S, has been spotted being driven by big names such as Kanye West and the Black Eyed Peas’ Will.I.Am. Other celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz, George R.R. Martin, Jay-Z, Harrison Ford, and Lionel Richie have also been sighted over the years driving a Tesla.

Teslas are marketed as premium electric cars, but its vehicles like the Model S and Modle X have been performing well in the luxury segment. Among the reasons behind this is Tesla’s deep integration of software and hardware on his vehicles, which offer customers an ownership experience that is quite unlike anything in the market today.  As described by iconic and eccentric rapper Kanye West, driving a Tesla makes it seem like one is “in the future.”

Watch Jaden Smith perform two of his songs with a Model X overhead in the video below.

Tesla Model X steals the show at Jaden Smith’s Coachella performance


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Tesla holdout purchases Model X after witnessing SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch

For the longest time, Billy Hurin knew that his son’s electric car from Tesla was an excellent vehicle. His son, Chad Hurin, runs Frunk Yea, a Tesla rental service with operations in Southern California and Florida. For years, Chad had been trying to get his dad to buy a Tesla for himself, but the man remained a holdout. He loved the cars, but he was just not ready to commit yet.

Things changed when Billy joined his son on a recent trip to Launch Complex 39A of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, FL to see the first commercial launch of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy. After witnessing the awe-inspiring flight of the rocket and the synchronized landing of its two side boosters, the longtime Tesla holdout decided that the time was finally right. In a shuttle back from the event, Billy went over to Tesla’s website and ordered a white Model X 100D with white interior and six seats.

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In a comment to Teslarati, Chad Hurin noted that it was the entire experience that really sealed the deal for his dad. Apart from the awe inspired by the massive rocket’s launch, the electric car rental service owner stated that his dad’s firsthand interactions with members of the Tesla community may have influenced his decision to purchase a Model X. The Tesla community is a close-knit group, and this was particularly true for owners who attended the Falcon Heavy launch.

Tesla owners were invited to the SpaceX event as a reward from the company’s previous referral programs. The Falcon Heavy launch invitation was one of the “secret levels” offered by Tesla, and it involved having an owner inviting a guest of their choosing to witness the historic Falcon Heavy flight. Chad Hurin was among these owners, and so were other active Tesla community members. A number of social media influencers were at the event as well.

Perhaps what is quite remarkable with Billy Hurin’s story is proof that Elon Musk’s private space firm and his electric car company could work together to inspire people. The now-Model X owner always knew that Teslas were great cars, but it took an experience with SpaceX that ultimately encouraged him to pull the trigger. Poking fun at the circumstances, Chad joked that after failing for years, he might have found the perfect way to sell Teslas. “I guess we’re not good enough salesmen. We’ve literally tried to tell him what’s up for the past 2 yrs. How to close deals on Tesla: Invite them to (a) SpaceX launch,” he wrote.

What is rather interesting is that both SpaceX and Tesla are companies that Elon Musk founded with a larger mission in mind. SpaceX exists to make it possible for humans to be a multiplanetary species. Tesla exists to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. While both companies are still taking the first steps towards their respective goals, they are already, even at their current state, establishments that truly inspire people.

Tesla holdout purchases Model X after witnessing SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch


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Tesla Sentry Mode captures politician in Model 3 hit-and-run

A former traffic court judge currently in the running for a seat on the Philadelphia City Council was caught hitting a parked Tesla Model 3 and subsequently leaving the scene without reporting the incident. A video captured of the event using the Model 3’s Sentry Mode feature was published by the vehicle’s owner on YouTube.

Judge Willie Singletary is seen backing out his Cadillac Escalade into the Tesla Model 3 parked next to him in the video, triggering the car’s alarm. Singletary then exits his SUV and appears to assess the damage caused to the all-electric sedan and even attempts to buff out the apparently visible marks at the point of impact. The affected part of the Model 3 isn’t visible in the video, but given the drawn-out contemplation and multiple attempts to smooth out the damage by Singletary, a police report or (at minimum) note to the owner was definitely warranted.

UPDATE: The owner of the Model 3 contacted Teslarati and provided additional details regarding the outcome of the incident. Singletary was easily identified thanks to the owner’s prior work on local elections and his contact information was available from campaign filings. The owner subsequently reached out to Singletary regarding the hit, which he says the former judge first denied but provided insurance information once made aware the event was on video. The police were then brought in to handle the matter further. The Escalade Singletary was driving in the video was a rental car. Additionally, the estimate for repair of the Model 3 provided to the owner by a Tesla certified body shop was $2000.

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The Model 3 hit-and-run incident isn’t the first time Singletary has run afoul of the law, adding to the irony of his prior position as a Philadelphia Traffic Court judge. In 2015, the City Council hopeful was sentenced to 20 months in prison, followed by a year of supervised release, after being convicted of lying to the FBI in a ticket-fixing scheme investigation while serving as a judge. Singletary appealed the sentence as beyond the advisory range of 0-6 months for such convictions, but a federal judge resentenced him, citing the highly pervasive nature of the scheme. The judge claimed the corruption was so extreme, the Traffic Court was disbanded in the fall-out, thus the longer sentence was deserved.

Singletary, for his part, denied that the Traffic Court’s closure was related to his role, noting that he and all the other court judges were not convicted of corruption, only lying to the FBI, which he argued is a position the agency can easily manipulate into occurring. The state attorneys involved in the original case regarding the ticket-fixing responded to the appeal, citing witness testimony establishing Singletary’s participation in the scheme and noting the difficulty faced by the government to obtain convictions for fraud even in the face of significant evidence.

Given former Judge Willie Singletary’s colorful history with vehicle violations, this latest encounter with a Tesla Model 3’s Sentry Mode is likely not going to bode well for his City Council ambitions.

Tesla may be leading the charge in the electric vehicle revolution, but perhaps it’s about to take the lead in vehicle security solutions as well. Sentry Mode was created to address vehicle break-ins that appeared to target Tesla owners specifically, especially in California’s Bay Area, and the security advantages it’s providing are already proving the feature was well worth the effort it took to create.

Sentry Mode is a security feature available on all Tesla models and was recently launched via over-the-air updates to improve and complement existing vehicle security features and options such as GPS tracking and the Enhanced Anti-Theft Device cabin motion sensor. Once activated, the Tesla owner is alerted via the company’s mobile app, video footage is recorded, and in the event of an intrusion, Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor is played at full volume to draw attention to the car. Once the vehicle’s “Alarm” state is entered following a detected incident, a video beginning 10 minutes prior to the event can be downloaded by the owner. Should Willie Singletary have been aware of this Tesla feature, perhaps his choice of action after backing into the Model 3 would have been different.

Watch the full Sentry Mode recorded hit-and-run incident below:

Tesla Sentry Mode captures politician in Model 3 hit-and-run


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I may have said this before, but the electric revolution is really starting to take shape. But, looking back on the developments over the last few years, “starting to take shape” doesn’t really categorize the massive organizational shifts, intense capital commitments, and technological breakthroughs. I’d now like to claim that the electric revolution has caught its stride and is finally in full swing.

Across the world, from Nevada to Shanghai, Singapore, Croatia, and Sweden, the electric revolution is getting the worlds best minds and intense interest from all parties. In Nevada, Tesla has built the worlds largest battery factory producing 35GWh of lithium-ion batteries. The company is investing so heavily into EVs that investors are constantly concerned about their cash balance. Regardless of investors’ concerns, Tesla is flying forward with another manufacturing plant in Shanghai, China.

At the same time, in another part of eastern China, Chinese startup NIO (Weilai in Chinese) is building hundreds of electric SUVs every day. The company, like Tesla, continues to plow capital into infrastructure (battery swap stations, stores, service centers, and supercharging stations). The company has delivered 15,000+ vehicles since starting production in June last year.

The NIO ES8 in the company’s 2.5M sq. ft. factory in Hefei, China. (NIO)

Just south of China, in Singapore, world-famous vacuum engineer and soon-to-be electric vehicle manufacturer, Sir James Dyson is investing hundreds of millions of dollars into next-generation vehicles. While its too soon to know whether his venture will be successful, Dyson is betting big with 400+ employees and $3.3B allocated to the project.

Another EV startup getting some serious traction is hypercar maker, Rimac. The company now employs over 450 people and has partnered with world-famous design firm Pininfarina and accepted investment from Porsche. Rimac’s latest vehicle has a top speed of 285 mph (460km/h) and goes 0-60 in a mind-numbing 1.85 seconds.

In Sweden, former Tesla supply chain experts Peter Carlsson and Paolo Cerruti are working to build a gigafactory to meet the needs of European automakers. The company employs over 200 people and has begun construction of their large R&D facilities.

Clearly, there is a lot of interest in electric vehicles and how to bring them to market quickly. While these projects mentioned above may be some of the more exciting projects, I haven’t even mentioned the traditional automotive leaders’ plans. VW is earmarking $91B to spend on EV development, GM is looking to launch 10 new EVs between 2021-2023, and the Indonesian government is luring Renault and Volvo to build EV factories to meet EV production goals.

With the EV revolution in full swing, the team here at Teslarati is busy working to cover the biggest stories around the world. Just a few weeks ago, Simon was in Germany to explore Porsche’s upcoming EV production plans. Next week, I’ll be in Shanghai to check out NIO’s strategy and their state-of-the-art factory. At the same time, Dacia will be traveling to Arizona, to see Nikola Motor Company’s newest electric semi-trucks, and then off to New York to see Rivian’s latest products at the New York Auto Show!

Disclaimer: This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Teslarati and its owners. Christian Prenzler does not have a position in Tesla Inc. or any of its competitors and does not have plans to do so in the next 30 days.


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var disqus_title = «The EV revolution is finally in full swing around the globe»;
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