Tesla rival Volkswagen takes stand against FUD on electric cars’ carbon footprint

Tesla rival Volkswagen has taken a stand against a debunked yet insistent argument against all-electric vehicles. In a recent study involving one of its  most popular vehicles, the German automaker declared that EVs have a smaller carbon footprint than their internal combustion-powered counterparts, even if they are not charged from renewable sources.

Volkswagen used two of its vehicles, a Golf TDI and an e-Golf for its study. The e-Golf produced 57g/km of carbon dioxide per vehicle, which is higher than the Golf TDI’s 29g/km of CO2 per vehicle. This is the only time that the electric car’s carbon footprint exceeded that of its diesel counterpart, since when it came to charging and operating the vehicles, the e-Golf proved far cleaner than its diesel-powered sibling.

Driving the Golf TDI resulted in an average CO2 output of 111g/km, which was notably higher than the 62g/km CO2 produced by the e-Golf when charging. Volkswagen estimated that this figure could drop to as low as 2g/km if the electric car were charged using renewable energy. With these calculations in mind, the German carmaker noted that the diesel-powered Golf TDI produced an average of 140g/km over its lifetime. The e-Golf, on the other hand, produced an average of 119g/km over its lifetime.

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The Volkswagen-backed study mirrors the findings of a previous analysis by research organization BloombergNEF, which concluded that the CO2 emissions produced by electric vehicles charged from non-renewable power were still 40% lower than cars operating with internal combustion engines. This gap, of course, is set to get smaller with the introduction of more efficient battery technology and more sustainable automotive manufacturing processes.

Credit is due to Volkswagen for taking a stand against a persistent piece of misinformation that has been peddled for years. The study, if any, is yet another sign that one of Germany’s largest of automakers is beginning to take the upcoming electric car revolution seriously.

This is highlighted by Volkswagen’s recent public comments, as shown when the carmaker acknowledged Tesla for establishing that the demand for electric vehicles is there. The company also made headlines when CEO Herbert Diess encouraged BMW and Daimler to commit to an all-electric future. After Das Auto’s agreement, BMW member of the board Klaus Fröhlich confirmed that Germany would be moving away from other alternative forms of propulsion like hydrogen, as the country’s automakers will be focusing on all-electric vehicles instead.

While Volkswagen is arguably one of Tesla’s loudest rivals with its constant releases of concept all-electric vehicles that are yet to enter production, the company has shown some earnest interest in the electric car maker’s work. During the final days of Elon Musk’s short-lived attempt to take Tesla private last year, the CEO received a number of offers from investors willing to fund company’s privatization at $420 per share. The deal, which was estimated to cost around $30 billion, attracted a number of prominent investors, one of which was none other than Volkswagen AG.

Volkswagen’s electric car emissions study could be accessed here.

Tesla rival Volkswagen takes stand against FUD on electric cars’ carbon footprint


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Watch Tesla’s Model 3 spank the BMW M3 in head-to-head track test (VIDEO)

Popular auto magazine Top Gear recently published its most daring cover in years, declaring in boldface lettering that “Electric Beats Petrol.” Two high-performance sedans dominated the cover: the Tesla Model 3 Performance and the BMW M3, both of which represent the best that their class of vehicles has to offer. The publication has now released footage of the two cars’ tests, showing, in their full electric vs. petrol glory, just how much the Model 3 practically spanked the BMW M3.

The recently uploaded video covered the four tests that the Model 3 Performance and the M3 were subjected to. Both vehicles were driven by veteran auto journalist Jack Rix (who admits that he is not a professional racing driver, thereby representing the majority of people who own the two high-performance sedans), who took the Model 3 and the M3 around the Thunderhill Raceway in Willows, CA. It should be noted that the BMW M3 that Top Gear utilized for its tests was not equipped with the Competition package, to make the prices of the two cars line up better.

The two vehicles being subjected to a classic quarter-mile drag race, a 0-100-0 mph brake test, a time attack challenge around the Thunderhill track, and a drifting test. The drag race between the Model 3 and the M3 was not even a competition, with the all-electric sedan leaving the internal combustion-powered BMW in the dust. The Model 3 Performance finished the drag race in 11.9 seconds at 112.6 mph, significantly faster than the BMW M3’s 119.1 mph and 12.6-second time. The 0-100-0 mph braking test ended in a similar fashion, with the Tesla Model 3 drawing blood once more with 13.1 seconds compared to the BMW M3’s 13.8 seconds.

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The main event of the magazine’s test was a hot lap around Thunderhill. The Top Gear journalist utilized Track Mode for the Model 3, allowing him to maneuver the rather heavy vehicle around the race course’s corners. The Model 3 Performance ultimately completed a lap around the track in 1:34.07. The BMW M3 roared through the closed circuit, and though the vehicle weighed considerably less than the Model 3, the German high-performance sedan completed the lap in 1:35.96.

The BMW did shine against the Model 3 in Top Gear‘s drifting test, as the M3 was dubbed by the veteran journalist as the more fun car to throw around the track’s corners. Despite this win, the test still ended with the Tesla Model 3 getting three wins out of four against the BMW M3. In conclusion, the journalist notes that between the two vehicles, the Model 3 is superior in many fronts, though he would still take the BMW M3 around a track due to its nimble characteristics. Nevertheless, the Model 3’s capability to tear up a closed circuit and remain refined enough on the road is something that is remarkable.

While the conclusions of Top Gear‘s head-to-head test between the Tesla Model 3 Performance and the BMW M3 are bound to be polarizing, the all-electric sedan’s wins against the internal combustion champion stand as a pivotal moment for auto enthusiasts. Gone are the days when electric cars are slow and unattractive, and gone are the days when even premium EVs can’t even make it around a track without throttling their power. Tesla has leveled the playing field with the Model 3 Performance, and as these tests show, the plain superiority of electric propulsion is now starting to become quite evident.

Watch the Tesla Model 3 Performance and the BMW M3 battle it out in four tests in the video below.

Watch Tesla’s Model 3 spank the BMW M3 in head-to-head track test (VIDEO)


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Tesla rebel mechanic of ‘Rich Rebuilds’ to sit down with Joe Rogan in JRE podcast

Tesla-refurbishing hobby mechanic Rich Benoit of the Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel will be interviewed April 30th on the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast at 12 pm PDT. The guest studio chair once sat in by Tesla CEO Elon Musk during his notorious cannabis puff will now be filled by a man who works hard to educate Tesla owners on how to repair their own cars, often against the all-electric auto maker’s resistance.

After beginning a journey to salvage a flooded Tesla Model S in 2016 and chronicling the effort on his YouTube channel, Rich hit frequent roadblocks while trying to obtain parts and servicing information from the all-electric auto manufacturer. Tesla refused to sell him replacement parts for the vehicle, citing safety concerns, but Rich’s determination eventually pulled through. The rescued Model S, nicknamed ‘Dolores’, is now complete and regularly used for his personal travels.

I was able to catch up with Rich via phone while he was on his way to the JRE location, and of course, one of my first questions was whether he would repeat Musk’s ‘stunt’ whether it be in tribute or in irony. “I’m bringing edibles,” he answered jokingly. “I’ll pop brownies based on how quickly the conversation goes downhill…After fifteen minutes, I’ll start with like three.” I should warn that Rich uses a lot of sarcasm in his humor.

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We then discussed what kind of conversation he was expecting on the show (he has no idea) and whether he was given any advance outline of the topics that might come up (none whatsoever). “Actually, I’m not even sure this whole thing is happening,” he admitted. “I haven’t really heard anything else from [JRE] since booking it, so hopefully I’m not gonna show up and they don’t know who I am or why I’m there.”

He was laughing, but his nerves were still wrapped up in the whole situation. On one hand, Joe Rogan has a very large audience reach that can introduce all sorts of communities to Rich’s projects and mission. On the other hand, he doesn’t even have solid confirmation that the interview will take place as scheduled.

“I emailed the guy about it, and he said they’re ‘probably’ good for it. Like, probably? I’m already in California! I at least better get a picture with Joe,” he mused. Rich is from Salem, Massachusetts.

The first salvage Tesla Model S that Rich Benoit of Rich Rebuilds repaired and restored to driving condition. | Image: Rich Benoit/Instagram

This led to my other introductory question. How did he connect with Rogan? I was particularly interested in the behind-the-scenes booking process. Turns out, there wasn’t much to it. The show was scheduled via email – Joe Rogan’s booking manager contacted him and they set a date and time for Rich to appear. After confirming, Rich mentioned the booking on his YouTube channel, but it was kind of buried in between a status update on his latest refurbishing project and an honesty check for used Model 3 sellers.”Well, Joe Rogan, that show is forever,” Rich told me when I asked why he didn’t give the show appearance its own video or do more to promote it. In his view, anyone who didn’t catch the live stream of The Joe Rogan Experience could watch it later on YouTube, and he’d link and refer to it in future videos.

I’d also seen that an article about Rich on the front page of The Boston Globe was shared by Joe Rogan on Twitter and met with a positive response. “A lot of my followers and subscribers are also fans of [Rogan], so when he posted that article, they started asking him to have me on,” Rich explained. He was obviously excited to have the opportunity.

“ITS HAPPENINNNNGGGGGG big shout out to all my fans that bullied Joe Rogan into having me on his show. April 30th LIVE from CA! You guys remember the infamous Elon Musk interview? Well this will be the generic store brand version,” he shared on his Instagram shortly after confirming the booking.

Rich Benoit of Rich Rebuilds to appear on The Joe Rogan Experience April 30, 2019. | Image: Rich Benoit/Instagram

Several of the Rich Rebuilds videos document his struggles with Tesla during his repair attempts, now expanded to other vehicles besides Dolores, but Rich’s mission isn’t just about the fight. He says it’s about helping Tesla owners learn more about their cars and to help fill gaps in service that have yet to be filled by the company.

Rich originally began his infamous Tesla Model S salvage project from his home in Salem, but he’s since teamed up with ex-Tesla mechanic and EV Tuning owner Chris Salvo to found the Electrified Garage in Seabrook, New Hampshire. The Rich Rebuilds channel generated significant interest from the Tesla community, and much of it took the form of requests for assistance with vehicle repairs.

“I was never thinking of opening my own shop…But I’d been denied so many times by Tesla that I really started thinking there’s got to be a bigger picture here, another player who can help others and get parts as well. Now there’s a place where people can go for third-party EV repair,” he explained to CNBC in a feature interview.

The Joe Rogan Experience streams its episodes live via the show’s YouTube channel, so be sure to tune in April 30th at 12 pm PDT to hear more about Rich’s Tesla repair journey.

In the meantime, you can watch the videos below for more about Rich’s Tesla salvage projects:

Tesla rebel mechanic of ‘Rich Rebuilds’ to sit down with Joe Rogan in JRE podcast


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SpaceX wants to unleash Starhopper but longer Raptor test fires come first

According to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, the next round of Starhopper activity will focus on removing the spacecraft prototype’s tethers and performing far more substantial hop tests.

Longer tests demand that SpaceX begins expanding the known performance envelope of its full-scale Raptor engine. Towards that end, longer-duration tests would need to be done at the company’s McGregor, TX development facilities to reduce risk, tests that Musk confirmed are already well underway. A recent Raptor static fire reportedly lasted no less than 40 seconds, more than enough time for a single-engine Starhopper to significantly expand both the maximum altitude and velocity of future hop tests. In support of the upcoming Starhopper test campaign, significant construction work is also ongoing at SpaceX’s Boca Chica test and development facilities.

Starhopper awaits its return to hop testing, April 24th. (NASASpaceflight – bocachicagal)
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Unleashing the Hopper

During the months of March and April, SpaceX’s South Texas team effectively completed Starhopper and put the prototype through its first real tests. The process began with tank proof tests in which Starhopper’s tanks were filled with liquid nitrogen – relatively neutral and unreactive – to safely identify and repair any leaks, while also subjecting the vehicle to cryogenic temperatures. The proof testing also put the newly installed ground systems (GSE) and vehicle-pad connection hardware through their paces before moving to Starhopper’s nominal liquid oxygen and liquid methane propellant.

Following at least half a dozen or so wet dress rehearsals (WDRs) that saw Starhopper loaded with LOx and methane, SpaceX technicians analyzed the health of the prototype and soon began live tests with a Raptor engine installed. Designed to produce no less than 2000 kN (450,000 lbf, 205 mT) of thrust at full throttle, Raptor offers more than twice the max thrust of the latest variant of the Merlin 1D engine that powers Falcon 9 and Heavy (941 kN or 212,000 lbf). In other words, a single Raptor should be more than enough to lift Starhopper off the ground 150+ tons of propellant aboard.

In the above tweets, Musk indicates that Starhopper’s next step will be untethered hop tests powered by one Raptor engine. This is further supported by confirmation that Raptor completed its longest static fire test yet on April 27th.

After several unsuccessful test attempts, Starhopper completed two static fires (<10s combined) and hopped – tethered – a handful of feet off the ground on April 3rd and 5th, three weeks after Raptor was first installed. Days later, the lone Raptor engine was removed from Starhopper and shipped back to SpaceX’s Hawthorne, CA factory or McGregor, TX testing facilities for post-test analysis and inspection. In short, SpaceX used Starhopper as a sort of ad hoc test stand for the second serial Raptor (SN02) produced, completing two major acceptance tests simultaneously.

A handful of concise tweets published by Musk in the last few days of April implicitly confirmed that the next steps for Starhopper involved untethered flights off its South Texas pad, once again powered by a single Raptor engine. As both the prospective altitudes and flight times rise for future Starhopper tests, so do the risks posed to SpaceX’s adjacent facilities and the prototype itself. To minimize those risks and progress the Raptor program as a whole, SpaceX has been extensively testing the third serial Raptor (SN03) at its McGregor facilities. Instead of a rushed test regime similar to the one that almost completely destroyed Raptor SN01 less than two weeks after testing began, SN03 is participating in a more cautious and systematic series of tests.

Technicians work inside Starhopper’s LOx tank on April 22nd. (NASASpaceflight – bocachicagal)
While almost impossible to visualize the changes from a flat perspective, several dozen trucks of dirt and concrete were delivered to Starhopper’s pad last week. (NASASpaceflight – bocachicagal)

Confirmed by Elon Musk, this included significantly increasing the length of Raptor SN03’s latest static fires, culminating in an April 27th test that lasted ~40 seconds. Above all else, long test fires are necessary to demonstrate that Raptor can reliably operate for dozens of seconds at a time, given that any failure leading to a loss of thrust could cause Starhopper – basically a controlled explosive device – to fall out of the sky. The famous Musk/SpaceX ethos of moving fast and breaking things does not preclude a pragmatic attitude towards the destruction of facilities and prototypes that could take months and millions of dollars to rebuild.

The ETA of future hop tests is unclear. For the time being, it appears that SpaceX’s South Texas facilities will be caught up in construction work for at least another week. Whether or not Raptor SN03 is next in line for installation on Starhopper, SpaceX will likely put it through several more long-duration static fires before moving ahead with untethered hop tests. All things considered, the rough Starship prototype is unlikely to restart powered testing for another two or so weeks. Stay tuned!

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SpaceX wants to unleash Starhopper but longer Raptor test fires come first


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Tesla shows off Model S & X’s high-efficiency drive units, adaptive suspension UI

Tesla recently shared some images of the Model S and Model X’s new high-efficiency drive units, which help the vehicles gain more range compared to their previous iterations. Apart from this, the electric car maker revealed the UI for the flagship vehicles’ adaptive suspension feature, which was also included in the Model S and X refresh.

Tesla made headlines last week when the company announced updates for its flagship sedan and SUV. The electric car maker introduced an industry-leading 370 miles of range for the Model S Long Range, which is unprecedented for a vehicle equipped with a 100 kWh battery pack. The Model S and Model X’s new energy-efficient drive units leverage optimized permanent magnet motors, improved cooling, bearings, and a new gear design. Together, these improvements allow the Model S and X’s drive units to achieve greater than 93% efficiency.

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Apart from sharing images of the Model S and X’s new energy-efficient drive units, Tesla also shared a picture featuring the UI of the vehicles’ Adaptive Suspension Damping capability. Tesla described the upgraded suspension as follows: “The system constantly adapts by sensing the road and adjusting for driver behavior, automatically softening for more pronounced road inputs and firming for aggressive driving,” Tesla wrote.

The Model S and X’s adaptive suspension is an improvement over the current smart air suspension feature present in previous versions of the vehicle. Adaptive suspension ultimately improves ride quality, giving an ultra-cushioned feel when driving on the highway or when cruising on Autopilot. Tesla is yet to release the specifics of the Model S and X’s new suspension feature, though based on the electric car maker’s recently-shared image, it appears that Adaptive Suspension Damping will have two modes: Standard and Sport.

Tesla’s announcement for the flagship sedan and SUV’s Adaptive Suspension Damping states that the feature will utilize software to make suspension adjustments based on calculations of road conditions. Such capabilities were mentioned by Elon Musk during Tesla’s Autonomy Day, during a segment discussing how Tesla’s FSD computer determines which driving actions to take. “The network is predicting paths it can’t even see with incredibly high accuracy. If [the FSD computer] had never seen [a] road before, it would still have made [accurate] predictions provided it was a road in the United States,” he said.

Apart from adaptive suspension and more efficient drive units, Tesla was also able to improve the flow of energy out of the battery and back in through regenerative braking, helping the vehicles get more power and torque, which results in better 0-60 mph times. Tesla also introduced On-Route Battery Warmup features for the Model S and Model X, allowing the flagship sedan and SUV to get faster charging times.

Tesla shows off Model S & X’s high-efficiency drive units, adaptive suspension UI


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Tesla Autopilot made a 90-degree left turn at an intersection

A Tesla Model S on Autopilot recently navigated a rather tricky left-hand, 90-degree turn at a busy intersection without getting disengaged. Going into the turn, the Model S, which was equipped with AP 2.0 hardware and firmware version 2019.8.5, moved smoothly, as could be seen in Autopilot’s precise steering of the vehicle.

Granted, conditions were favorable to the Tesla Model S and its Autopilot driver-assist system when it performed the left-hand maneuver. As noted by Eli Burton, the vehicle’s driver, the lane lines were clear in that particular intersection, which could have helped Autopilot navigate the 90-degree turn. There was a car in front of the Model S as well, and the speed of the maneuver was a very manageable 18-25 mph.

Nevertheless, the improvements in Autopilot were notably evident in the recently-captured footage. Remarks from fellow Tesla owners in the YouTube video’s comments section note that even electric cars equipped with newer AP 2.5 hardware like the Model 3 usually require driver intervention when navigating a similar turn on Autopilot.

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These improvements to Autopilot take Tesla one step forward in its efforts to bring a Full Self-Driving solution to the market. One of Tesla’s key strategies for the future is to operate an autonomous ride-hailing network in the form of Robotaxis operated under the Tesla Network. For this service to be successful, Tesla must ensure that its vehicles can handle the trickiest of traffic conditions within city streets like an experienced driver. This, of course, includes tricky left-hand 90-degree turns.

Elon Musk estimates that Tesla’s Full Self-Driving capabilities will be “feature complete” by the end of the year, which means that vehicles will likely be able to operate on their own under the constant watch of a driver. “I think we will be feature complete — full self-driving — this year. I would say I am certain of that. That is not a question mark. However, people sometimes will extrapolate that to mean now it works with 100 percent certainty, requires no observation, perfectly. This is not the case,” Musk said.

Tesla currently lists several features under its Full Self-Driving suite, which was brought back when the company introduced the Standard and Standard Plus Model 3. These features include Navigate on Autopilot with unconfirmed lane changes, Enhanced Summon, and Autopark, which are already available today. By the end of the year, Tesla will roll out the capability to recognize and respond to traffic lights and stop signs, as well as automatic driving on city streets.

Watch a Tesla Model S navigate a left-hand 90-degree turn in the video below.

Tesla Autopilot made a 90-degree left turn at an intersection


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Tesla’s Elon Musk and SEC reach agreement on Twitter use: no punishment, but tighter rules

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and the Security and Exchange Commission have reached an agreement about the CEO’s Twitter use. In a document, Elon Musk’s legal team and the SEC issued a motion requesting the court to amend the terms of the CEO’s settlement, particularly the sections pertaining to information that are considered material, and thus, requiring approval.

The motion comes after Elon Musk’s legal team and the SEC asked the court for an extension to settle the contempt charges filed by the agency against the CEO. The agency took issue with Musk’s tweet back in February 19, when he mentioned on Twitter that Tesla will produce around 500,000 cars this year, echoing an estimate he shared during the Q4 2018 earnings call. The SEC asked the court to hold Musk in contempt for violating his settlement with the agency, which required pre-approval of tweets that contain material information.

The two sides faced off on April 4, with the SEC reiterating its accusations before presiding Judge Alison Nathan. After hearing the arguments from the agency and Musk’s legal team, Judge Nathan ordered the two parties to arrange a meeting and send a letter to the court within two weeks. The judge also told the SEC and Musk’s team to come up with an agreement. “My call to action is for everyone to take a deep breath, put your reasonableness pants on and work this out,” she said.

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Based on the motion filed by the parties today, it appears that Elon Musk will not be paying a fine for his February 19 tweet, though the document outlined a series of topics that are deemed material. Following is the section of the joint filing outlining topics that require review and pre-approval.

  • potential or proposed mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, tender offers, or joint ventures;
  • production numbers or sales or delivery numbers (whether actual, forecasted, or projected) that have not been previously published via pre-approved written communications issued by the Company (“Official Company Guidance”) or deviate from previously published Official Company Guidance;
  • new or proposed business lines that are unrelated to then-existing business lines (presently includes vehicles, transportation, and sustainable energy products);
  • projection, forecast, or estimate numbers regarding the Company’s business that have not been previously published in Official Company Guidance or deviate from previously published Official Company Guidance;
  • events regarding the Company’s securities (including Musk’s acquisition or disposition of the Company’s securities), credit facilities, or financing or lending arrangements;
  • nonpublic legal or regulatory findings or decisions;
  • any event requiring the filing of a Form 8-K by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including:
  • a change in control; or
  • a change in the Company’s directors; any principal executive officer, president, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer, principal operating officer, or any person performing similar functions, or any named executive officer; or
  • such other topics as the Company or the majority of the independent members of its Board of Directors may request, if it or they believe pre-approval of communications regarding such additional topicswould protect the interests of the Company’s shareholders; and Jugement decided… the proposed amendment to the Final Judgment is fair, reasonable, and in the interest of the parties and investors because the proposed revisions will provide additional clarity regarding the written communications for which the Defendant is required to obtain pre-approval pursuant to the Final Judgment

Below is the joint motion outlining the agreement between Elon Musk’s legal team and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Tesla’s Elon Musk and SEC reach agreement on Twitter use: no punishment, but tighter rules


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Tesla’s next-gen Roadster will exceed 1,000 km of battery range, says Elon Musk

When Elon Musk unveiled the next-generation Tesla Roadster back in November 2017, he shocked the electric car community by revealing that the all-electric supercar has a range of 620 miles per charge. That’s 1,000 kilometers between charges. The figures are pretty much insane, even by today’s standards.

There are now indications that the next-generation Tesla Roadster will go even farther in between charges. Elon Musk mentioned this on Twitter, stating that the range of the upcoming vehicle will be “above 1,000 km.” Musk was responding to Ride the Lightning podcast host Ryan McCaffrey then, who was inquiring if the efficiencies recently introduced to the Model S and X will make it to the all-electric supercar.

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A lot has happened since Tesla unveiled the next-generation Roadster. In true Silicon Valley fashion, Tesla never really stopped innovating since then, particularly in terms of its battery technology. Tesla Automotive President Jerome Guillen mentioned this in a previous interview, stating that the company’s batteries are never frozen since they are always in a state of improvement. The same is true for the vehicles’ other components, such as their electric motors.

These efficiencies and improvements were showcased recently when Tesla rolled out updates for the Model S and Model X, its two flagship vehicles. The premium sedan and SUV received several enhancements, such as better charging speeds and adaptive suspension. More importantly, the new Model S and Model X were given more range despite retaining the size of their battery packs. As revealed by Tesla, the 100 kWh variants of the Model S now have 370 miles of range per charge, while the 100 kWh versions of the far heavier Model X now has 325 miles of range.

These are incredibly impressive figures for Tesla’s vehicles. Rivian’s acclaimed R1T and R1S pickup and SUV are capable of going 400 miles per charge, but the vehicles require a 180 kWh battery pack. Motor Trend‘s test of the updated Model S showed that the 100 kWh sedan could probably reach the 400-mile mark in normal driving conditions. So how do these relate to the Roadster and its range? Well, the all-electric “hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars” is equipped with a 200 kWh pack.

Coupled with Tesla’s latest efficiencies, one can only imagine how much farther the Roadster could go with its monster battery. This range will likely be a big difference-maker for the next-gen Roadster, considering that conventional supercars are not exactly known for their fuel-efficiency. The Lamborghini Aventador gets up to 11 mpg in the city and 18 mpg on the highway, which gives it a range of around 428.4 miles of range on the highway and 261.8 miles in the city on a full tank. Higher-end cars like the Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport consume even more gas, only lasting 51 miles on a tank at top speed.

Tesla’s electric motors are expected to last a million miles, and Elon Musk himself has mentioned that the company is developing batteries that also last a million miles. With these, it appears that the next-gen Roadster might not only be an electric car that can outrun gasoline-powered supercars; it might be a vehicle that will far outlast the best supercars on the market as well.

Tesla’s next-gen Roadster will exceed 1,000 km of battery range, says Elon Musk


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Tesla dashcam catches teens egging Model 3 at Supercharger

A Tesla owner is thanking his Model 3’s built-in dashcam features for capturing footage of a group of teenagers vandalizing his electric car. When he reported the incident to local authorities, the Model 3 owner was surprised to learn that his vehicle might not be the first Tesla to be vandalized in the location.

Darin Lee, the Model 3 owner, was Supercharging his electric sedan at a Supercharger in a Meijer outlet in Ann Arbor, MI, when a group of teenagers in a Cadillac SUV pulled up to his vehicle. Laughing amongst themselves, the vandals proceeded to pelt the Model 3 with several eggs.

Lee was inside the vehicle then, and when the teens realized that there was someone inside the Model 3, they promptly drove off. “I think they were going to cover my car with all five-dozen eggs. They saw me and took off real quick,” Lee said, speaking to local news.

What the teens didn’t know was that the Tesla was actively recording its surroundings while it was Supercharging. Thus, everything, from the moment they pulled up to the vehicle to the point where they realized the owner was inside the electric car, everything was captured in all their embarrassing glory.

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While the incident seemed to be a simple prank, Lee notes that it might end up costing him a significant amount. Speaking to local news, the Model 3 owner noted that his electric car’s paint actually got scratches from the incident, which might cost him as much as $800 to repair.

Lee later reported the incident and turned over his Model 3’s dashcam footage to the police. Surprisingly, the police notified Lee that his Model 3 might not be the first Tesla to be vandalized in the same Supercharger. “It’s terrible, what’s happened. Just for you know, driving a specific car. If that is what it is,” Lee said.   

The Model 3 owner noted that he bought his electric car primarily to help his disabled roommate get around. For now, Lee hopes that the teens behind the incident could be identified, especially since the vandalism, even if it’s just a prank, could be a costly one.

Fortunately, the teens behind the vandalism of the Model 3 have not been very smart about their prank. The teens, for example, seemed to have bought the eggs at the Meijer outlet nearby, where surveillance cameras recorded them. The store hopes to turn their surveillance footage over to the police as well.

Tesla has made a reputation for being one of the few carmakers that improve its vehicles over time through free over-the-air updates. The Model 3’s built-in dashcam feature, as well as the more robust Sentry Mode anti-theft system, are among these improvements. Hopefully, the dashcam footage from Darin Lee’s Model 3 could indeed be used to crack open the case and serve justice… sunny side down.

Tesla’s electric cars are well-loved vehicles, but they remain polarizing for a select group of people, particularly those who are not open to the idea of electric propulsion replacing the internal combustion engine. This has resulted in incidents such as ICE-ing, which involves preventing an electric car from charging, and even attacks on Superchargers.  

Watch a segment on the vandalism of a Tesla Model 3 in the video below.

Tesla dashcam catches teens egging Model 3 at Supercharger


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Tesla Model Y goes on display outside of its Fremont seat factory

Tesla recently had a Model Y on display for employees to see outside of its seat factory at 901 Page Street in Fremont, California, roughly 3 miles from the company’s main factory. In photos posted by multiple Reddit users, it appears the same deep blue metallic Model Y driven on stage and used for test drives at the car’s unveiling event last month was available in the building’s parking lot for a closer look.

The vehicle on display is outfitted with chrome-delete trim, a look that’s popular with the Tesla aftermarket community yet a standard factory offering for the Model Y. Additionally, the all-electric crossover is seen with Tesla Sport Wheels in the color black. Tesla offers Sport Wheels in silver as a $1,500 option in the Model 3 and Model Y online configurator.

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The final production location for the Model Y is yet to be decided, as noted by CEO Elon Musk during Tesla’s Q1 2019 earnings call. He subsequently estimated a decision on the matter would be made within the next few weeks, the current close call being between the Fremont factory and Gigafactory 1 in Sparks, Nevada.

Space is limited in Fremont with the Model S, Model 3, and Model X lines already being produced there, and in Tesla’s Q4 2018 full year update, Musk indicated that the company’s Nevada facility might be the best manufacturing location for Model Y. Musk jokingly hinted that sprung structures, i.e., heavy-duty “tents” similar to those used to help expand Model 3 production, could be an option if space was limited wherever Model Y was ultimately made. “I’m a fan of tents, like real, hardcore tents,” Musk mused.

Tesla’s Model Y is expected to be the highest-volume-production vehicle for the company when it goes on sale, even exceeding the mass market Model 3. In California, for example, Tesla was the highest sold alternative powertrain brand in 2018, and Model 3 represented 55% of all battery-electric vehicle sales. The popularity of the crossover SUV market is driving future Model Y sales predictions, and Elon Musk has anticipated a demand and delivery schedule that equates to 1 million units per year.

Production of the Model Y is expected to take place in late 2020 with the first deliveries beginning shortly thereafter.

Tesla Model Y goes on display outside of its Fremont seat factory


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