Tesla’s European Gigafactory will be in Berlin and it’s starting with Model Y production

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has confirmed the location for its European Gigafactory and it will be in Berlin, Germany. The factory will be responsible for the production of batteries, powertrains, and vehicles, starting with the company’s upcoming Model Y crossover.

Musk made the revelation Tuesday afternoon, following an announcement he made earlier in the day while speaking at the “Golden Steering Wheel Award” show in Germany.

“Everyone knows that German engineering is outstanding, for sure. That’s part of the reason why we are locating our Gigafactory Europe in Germany,” said Musk. “We are also going to create an engineering and design center in Berlin, because Berlin has some of the best art in the world.”

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Gigafactory Berlin would be Tesla’s fourth, coming after Tesla’s massive battery facility and first Gigafactory in Nevada; a solar production plant in Buffalo, New York; and it’s most recent and record-setting Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai, China.

The confirmation of Gigafactory 4 in Berlin follows years of speculation from the community on where Tesla’s European production facility would be located. The California-based electric vehicle maker has fielded preliminary discussions with numerous European countries vying to host its Gigafactory for the production of batteries and electric vehicles in their state.

The location for Tesla Gigafactory Europe became more clear in mid-2018 when Musk began hinting at the possibility of building a factory near Western Germany,

“Perhaps on the German-French border makes sense, near the Benelux countries,” Musk noted on Twitter.

With the company already having a German presence with its Tesla Grohmann Automation, an engineering division located in Prum, the idea of having its main European-based factory in the country makes sense. As Tesla embarks on the scale-out of its mass-market Model 3 across Europe and the upcoming production of what’s expected to be the company’s largest production vehicle to date: Model Y, having a hub that’s closer in proximity to its customer base and one that builds vehicles to meet local regulations will help the company capture cost and production efficiencies in the long run.

Currently, Tesla Model S, Model X, and Model 3 vehicles for the European market are produced in its Fremont, California plant and endure a costly and lengthy logistical process for delivery to its customers.

As Tesla continues to improve cash-flow while taking on capital expenditures to meet its earlier-than-expected Model Y production, Gigafactory 4 in Berlin can be seen as a critical piece of the foundation to satisfy worldwide demand. Tesla Model Y is expected to be launched as early as early Summer 2020.

Tesla’s European Gigafactory will be in Berlin and it’s starting with Model Y production

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