Tesla sees bigger opportunity in China as more aggressive EV goals are enacted for 2025

Tesla may soon see more opportunities in China, as the country adopts a more aggressive target for EV sales by 2025. These targets could bode well for Tesla, whose Gigafactory 3 is expected to produce Made-in-China versions of the company’s mass-market vehicles, the Model 3 sedan and the Model Y crossover. 

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology posted a draft policy on Tuesday stating that the country is aiming to have about 25% of new cars sold by 2025 to be electrified. This is more aggressive than its previous goal, which called for all-electric vehicles, fuel-cell cars, and plug-in hybrids to account for over 20% of new vehicle sales by 2025. 

Individuals familiar with the matter have informed Bloomberg that a previous version of the draft policy included an even more ambitious target, which called for electrified vehicles to account for 60% of new car sales by 2035. This portion of the draft policy was reportedly taken out, but the country is nonetheless pursuing its EV goals aggressively. Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of China Passenger Car Association, expressed his thoughts on these updated goals. 

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“There are always uncertainties in technology breakthroughs and it is more prudent to set a target for a closer time frame like we see here. Demand for new energy vehicles may recover over the next two years and the 2025 target set in the policy seems reasonable,” Cui said. 

China’s more aggressive EV targets come at a time when the country is looking to reclaim its momentum in the electric car transition. Over the past years, China’s EV market has shown tremendous growth, but in recent months, the industry has slowed down, bogged by government subsidies that were scaled back. Being the world’s largest market for EVs, China’s slowdown in recent months has started affecting the global EV sector. 

Tesla, for its part, could play a key role in China’s efforts to push its EV sector further. Led by the Made-in-China Model 3, Tesla could provide some healthy competition to local EV producers while attracting new car buyers to a fully-electric form of transportation. The Model Y, a crossover vehicle that will compete in one of the auto sector’s most competitive markets, is also expected to see healthy demand in the Chinese market.

Both vehicles are expected to be produced at Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai, which is already operational. So far, Gigafactory 3 has been awarded a mass-production license and is only waiting for its final permits before deliveries to local customers could begin.

Tesla sees bigger opportunity in China as more aggressive EV goals are enacted for 2025

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