Tesla Roadster’s incredible 0-60 mph acceleration teased in new official video

Tesla has released a short video showcasing the next-generation Roaster’s blisteringly quick 0-60 mph acceleration of 1.9 seconds. “Zero to sixty faster than you can read this caption,” the all-electric car manufacturer posted on Twitter with video clip challenging viewers to do just that.

Once in production, next-gen Roadster owners will enjoy several performance advantages beyond acceleration including a 250+ mph top speed and 620 miles of battery range. All-wheel drive, 10,000 Nm of wheel torque, and a quarter mile time of 8.8 seconds also make the list of what’s included. Even with all those features packed in for track-level performance, the Roadster will still include seating for four. Perhaps even more amazingly, the next-gen Roadster will be offered at the relatively bang-for-the-buck base price of $200,000.

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Tesla recently announced that all of its vehicles will include Autopilot as a standard feature, but the Roadster will have an additional “Augmented Mode” to enhance human driving ability.

“Definitely. Will also have Augmented Mode that will massively enhance human driving ability. Like a flying metal suit, but in car form …,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said via Twitter in response to an Autopilot inquiry last year, drawing references and comparisons to Marvel’s Iron Man and Tony Stark. Musk has additionally teased that a SpaceX package will be available for purchase, enabling the Roadster to hover similar to the DeLorean of Back to the Future fame.

The Roadster was designed as a “hardcore smackdown” to gasoline cars, and with the current spec sheet, the all-electric supercar certainly looks like it will fulfill its purpose. The performance levels achievable by battery-electric vehicles aren’t without detractors, however. Chief technical executives at Ferrari and Lamborghini cited the lack of multiple full-power launch capability, battery placement, and lack of engine noise and deal-breakers for investment in an all-electric supercar earlier this year despite the existence of several fully electric supercars already setting new track records such as the NIO EP9.

Tesla isn’t planning on delivering next-gen Roadsters to customers until 2020, but the fan community hasn’t let that time frame stop them from dreaming about a Roadster-packed future. One graphics-savvy fan created and shared an impressive video likening the car to light due to the breakthrough it stands to represent in the auto industry. In another instance, an automotive render specialist published a clip depicting what it would be like to encounter the next-generation Tesla Roadster on the road in a drive-by fan video. Meanwhile, successful referral program participants are eagerly awaiting their Founders Series Roadsters won prior to Tesla’s reboot of the contest.

Tesla Roadster’s incredible 0-60 mph acceleration teased in new official video


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