Tesla has posted a webcast of its upcoming Autonomy Day to YouTube, set to go live at 11 am Pacific on Monday, April 22.
From the company’s headquarters in Palo Alto, Tesla will present the roadmap for its self-driving technology to select investors in attendance. The company is also expected to demonstrate the latest developments in its Full Self-Driving feature.
“Tesla is making significant progress in the development of its autonomous driving software and hardware, including our FSD computer, which is currently in production and which will enable full-self driving via future over-the-air software updates,” notes Tesla.
The Autonomy Day event will further provide Tesla owners with the Full Self-Driving package an even bigger taste of features still to come.
Key executives involved in the development of Tesla’s autonomous software, including Musk, VP of Engineering Stuart Bowers, VP of Hardware Engineering Pete Bannon, and Sr. Director of AI Andrej Karpathy, will provide details about the Autopilot software. Musk has previously predicted that Full Self-Driving capability will be ready by the end of the year, although still pending regulatory approval. Tesla’s Autonomy Day may announce some significant progress on this front given the background.
On April 22, Investor Autonomy Day, Tesla will free investors from the tyranny of having to drive their own car
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 13, 2019
The hardware to support Tesla’s next-generation Full Self-Driving Capabilities is now being included in new production vehicles. As part of its progression to autonomous driving, Tesla began the first rollout of its Navigate of Autopilot without turn stalk confirmation as well as Enhanced Summon. Together these features represent one of the most advanced iterations of the company’s Autopilot suite.
“We think including Autopilot is very important because our data strongly indicate that the chance of an accident is much lower when Autopilot is enabled. Autopilot also dramatically improves the quality of the driving experience, especially in heavy traffic, as thousands of our customers frequently describe online,” Tesla wrote in a blog post. A long-term plan to create a ride-sharing feature called The Tesla Network is also part of the company’s autonomous driving future.
Tesla’s Investor Autonomy Day will be followed up by its Q1 2019 financial results and earnings call on April 24.
Tune in on Monday, April 22 as Tesla live streams its Autonomy Day event, beginning at 11 am Pacific (18:00 UTC). We embedded the webcast below.

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