The Tesla Model Y Performance has officially arrived at Munro and Associates office in Auburn Hills, Michigan, as automotive industry veteran Sandy Munro and his team begin their full teardown of the new all-electric crossover. Munro specified the teardown would consist of a complete disassembly of the vehicle starting from the inside of the car.
The teardown will allow Munro in his team to thoroughly assess Tesla’s newest vehicle by examining the quality of the car from its parts to its build quality. Additionally, Munro clarified that his team would be extremely focused on four main components of the vehicle. These include the lithium-ion batteries, electric vehicle motors, inverter/converter system, and the wire harness.
Munro’s red Model Y was delivered from California to the Munro office on March 30, 2020. Munro offered his first impressions of the vehicle on the following day by complementing the build quality of the crossover. “In the past, we’ve thrown rocks at what Tesla came out with, but I can tell you right from here…this [car] looks in pretty good shape.”
Munro did take his gap gauge to the crossover and noticed an extreme improvement in the vehicle’s build quality compared to the Model 3. Upon inspection, the front driver and front passenger doors were identical from all angles that Munro measured.
There was a slight discrepancy of just a single millimeter between the two door’s “sills,” or where the bottom of the door meets the frame of the car, but Munro notes the difference would only be visible to some of the most trained eyes. This led to the automotive veteran complimenting Tesla on the vast improvement in the fit and finish between the Model 3 and Model Y.
The gaps located above the Model Y’s lamps were also flawless and indicated a perfect four-millimeter space on each side, allowing Munro to give credit once again.
There were a few gaps that Munro advises Tesla to work on, but he was quite happy that he received an early version of the vehicle because it would allow the Silicon Valley-based carmaker to make improvements as time went on. “I’m sure that [Tesla] will start tuning things in, just as I was certain that the Model 3 would start tuning things in. Again, all in all, not bad,” he said. “For an early-stage product, this is pretty good.”
The rest of the teardown process of the Model Y will consist of multiple live stream events from the Munro headquarters. On Wednesday, April 1, MunroLive will officially kick off its first live stream with a complete analysis of the vehicle, as he will complete a further breakdown of the Model Y from its fit and finish to its thermal system.
On April 14, a live stream of a rapid disassembly of the vehicle will begin at 8 A.M. EST. “Our team will work around the clock until the Model Y is completely disassembled. The team will dig into the intricacies of the batteries, HV electronics, thermal systems, and user interface,” MunroLive.com notes.
The complete teardown will be available for viewing at MunroLive.com. The already completed portions of the teardown, including a description of the teardown process and the first impressions, can be viewed here, or on the Munro Live YouTube channel. Munro’s breakdown of the gap gauge measurements is available below.

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