Tesla dominates carmakers in battery capacity deployed, including state-backed rivals in China

Tesla might have left the first quarter of 2019 worse for wear due to delivery difficulties with the Model 3’s international ramp, but the carmaker still stands tall among its rivals in one key metric: battery deployment. In March alone, Tesla’s battery deployment completely left behind competitors, including a state-backed electric car maker from China.

Tesla’s rank was determined by Adamas Intelligence, which tracks the battery capacity of electric vehicles and the metals being used in them. The firm’s study covered EVs sold in over 80 countries across the globe, representing roughly 90% of the worldwide electric car market. According to the Toronto-based firm’s report, Tesla is simply far too ahead of the competition when it comes to battery deployments on an MWh-basis.

Tesla’s EV battery deployments compared to its competitors. (Credit: Mining.com)
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Tesla’s deployments were so dominating that the company not only beat its rivals in the United States and the European region; the electric car maker also bested 486 registered electric vehicle manufacturers in China. These include BYD, which is personally backed by billionaire Warren Buffett, as well as BJEV, the electric car brand of state-owned automaker BAIC. Tesla beat BYD two to one on a MWh-basis, while dominating BJEV by a factor of four despite the EV-maker getting direct support from Beijing.

Tesla’s numbers become even more impressive when compared to those of its rivals in the United States and Europe. At 2,889 MWh, Tesla’s battery deployment is close to equaling the combined total of its competitors outside Adamas’ Top 10 list, which include large brands such as Ford, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen. It should also be noted that the figures of Tesla’s competitors include batteries that were installed on hybrid vehicles, making the Silicon Valley-based electric car maker’s performance even more notable.

Also impressive is that Tesla was able to deploy 2,889 MWh of electric car batteries during a month when the battery deployment of its flagship vehicles, the Model S and Model X, saw a decline of over 40%. Following a recently-released improvements to the sedan and SUV, Tesla’s deployments for the vehicles could see an increase in the coming months.

While Tesla is now saturating multiple countries with the Model 3, though in the grand scheme of things, the company is only getting started. Another mass-market vehicle, the Model Y, has been unveiled, and it is expected to start production sometime next year. Other high-volume cars such as the Tesla pickup Truck are also coming soon. These, together with vehicles like the next-generation Roadster and the Semi, will inevitably result in Tesla’s EV battery deployments reaching even higher levels in the near future.

Tesla dominates carmakers in battery capacity deployed, including state-backed rivals in China


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