A New York man plans to use the Tesla Cybertruck as a power source for his “tiny home.” Karl Gesslein, a resident of Ithaca placed an order for the Cybertruck the day of the unveiling after realizing that Tesla’s initial attempt at a pickup truck was exactly what he had been looking for since his childhood.
The idea came from his desire to power his new house in a sustainable way, and by using the $50,000 Dual Motor variant of the Tesla Cybertruck, he will no longer need to use portable batteries as his primary power source.
“I watched the Cybertruck reveal and knew I had to have one because it was everything I had always wanted in a car but never been able to have,” Gesslein said. His interest in the Cybertruck came from his childhood dreams of owning cars like the Lotus Espirit and the Delorian DMC-12. But the most appealing thing about the vehicle was its capability to power his house, especially with the help of the “Vault’s” optional solar panel cover.
Currently, Gasslein and his wife live in an off-the-grid house that they have called home for six years. The house utilizes a homemade battery pack, but he is looking for another option as only 1 kWh of the 1.25 kWh system is usable. The Cybertruck, by his estimation, would power his home for 240 straight days, along with some help from solar panels. “That is long enough to get through a pretty harsh nuclear winter with some time to spare,” he says in a blog post he wrote about his idea.
One thing that Gesslein has noted is that the Cybertruck would fight power outages and scheduled blackouts, especially if the vehicle was hooked up to an on-the-grid circuit breaker. Blackouts and power outages are a relevant issue, especially to those who live in California’s San Francisco Bay Area, who were negatively impacted by them earlier this year.
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), a power supplier for many Bay Area homes, conducted mandatory scheduled blackouts to lower the possibility of forest fires caused by their powerlines during California’s windy and dry Autumn months. In response to the blackouts, Tesla offered its solar solutions for a reduced cost, a strategy that would assist homeowners in avoiding blackouts and carbon emissions altogether.
Tesla’s Cybertruck is a versatile machine. Its triple-motor setup offers the highest towing capacity on the market with a 14,000+ lb rating, a stainless steel design that will not bend or dent, a solar panel vault cover capable of charging the vehicle while it is sitting in sunlight, and a charging port for the electric ATV Tesla unveiled at the same event.
But now, the truck will have a new use: powering a future owner’s tiny home. The Cybertruck is a safe and sustainable option for those who are looking for an alternative way to power their homes. While it will take some creativity and some experience with electric, it is definitely possible. “The Cybertruck is the best deal to be found for electric backup power that won’t accidentally burn your house to the ground or kill you in your sleep. Hands down,” Gesslein said.
The Cybertruck begins production in late-2021 and has accumulated over a quarter-of-a-million pre-orders according to CEO Elon Musk. The truck will be available in three trims, a Single, Dual, and Tri-Motor, all offering different power and performance ratings. The Single Motor base model will cost $39,900, the Dual Motor $49,990, and the Tri-Motor variant that will offer a 2.9 second 0-60 MPH acceleration rate will be available for $69,900.
You can watch Karl Gesslein’s video on the idea to utilize his Cybertruck to run his tiny home below.

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