Tesla Cybertruck spawns dbrand vinyl skins in carbon fiber, wood and other crazy finishes

Toronto-based Dbrand best known as the maker of high-quality wraps and skins for electronic devices has shifted its focus from handheld technology and gaming to Tesla’s newest vehicle: the Cybertruck. DBrand offered a few statements regarding its skins, along with a funny tidbit about the infamous glass demonstration.

You’re a Mars-bound, multi-billionaire, meme-tweeting tech-Messiah who walks the line between genius and super-villain. You wake up one day and decide to design an electric pick-up truck. There’s just one problem: all you have is a pencil and ruler. Enter the Cybertruck. With the help of dbrand’s Cybertruck skins, you can pretend to save the world with style, grace, and the assurance that our toolkit contained more than just a straight-edge and a writing utensil. Oh, and Elon – we happen to know a thing or two about impact-resistant glass protection. Make sure to have Franz pick up a Prism before your next on stage demo.

Dbrand is the first company to formally offer wraps for the Cybertruck. While the truck was only unveiled to the public by Tesla less than a week ago, customization options are already becoming available for the truck. Production will not begin until the end of 2021, nearly two years after the truck was unveiled. Since the event, CEO Elon Musk has stated Tesla has received over 200,000 preorders for the vehicle.

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Wrapping vehicles is a popular practice among the Tesla community, giving owners the option to change and personalize the look of their vehicles without having to repaint a vehicle. Costs can vary greatly and range between $3,000 to $10,000, depending on the material finish and labor.

DBrand is offering 36 different patterns, from carbon fiber to wood grain for the Cybertruck. All of these patterns are available for phones, laptops, gaming consoles, and now Tesla’s Cybertruck. The wrap comes in seven different sections and patterns and can be mixed and matched for an exciting and creative look. Dbrand’s is offering the entire vehicle wrap kit for $3,094.80.

Tesla’s Cybertruck was unveiled on November 21 in Los Angeles at the SpaceX rocket facility, a fitting venue as the truck utilizes the same stainless steel material that the aerospace exploration company uses for its rockets. Currently, the Cybertruck is only available for pre-order in its silver, stainless steel color scheme, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has mentioned that it will likely be available in Matte Black in the future.



Tesla Cybertruck spawns dbrand vinyl skins in carbon fiber, wood and other crazy finishes

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