Nikola unveils five new zero-emissions vehicles at Nikola World 2019 event

Nikola Motors unveiled its Nikola Two and Nikola Tre hydrogen-electric semi trucks along with three other new emissions-free transportation products at its Nikola World 2019 event. The company’s core mission is to rid the transportation industry of its reliance on diesel fuel, and their primary path to that future is via advanced hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Trevor Milton, CEO and founder of Nikola, kicked off the event by arriving onstage with the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales. Annheuser-Busch has ordered 800 trucks from Nikola as part of the iconic beer brewing company’s sustainability mission. “I cannot wait to see your truck pull a load of Budweiser,” Ingrid De Ryck, VP of Procurement and Sustainability for Annheuser exclaimed later in the evening’s presentation.

Nikola is arguably best known for its upcoming zero emission semi trucks; however, the Arizona-based startup has been simultaneously developing products for both the military and outdoor adventure crowd.

The first new product unveiled at Nikola World 2019 was the Nikola Reckless, a military all-terrain vehicle designed for superior performance and stealth thanks to its minuscule sound and heat signature. High-end specs are an expected given for this type of tailored vehicle, of which the Reckless undoubtedly has, but an additional perk described in the company’s presentation was the ATV’s 13” Infotainment screen which can be completely submerged without being damaged. The Reckless is also modular to enable a broad-range of military applications. “We believe all military vehicles will transform to battery electric and hydrogen fuel cells in the future,” Andrew Christian, NP of Business Development and Defense at Nikola’s Powersports division stated during the presentation.

The second product unveiled at Nikola’s event extended the company’s coined hashtag ‘#emissionsgameover’ beyond land transporatation. The Nikola Water Adventure Vehicle (WAV) is an all-electric jet-ski styled personal watercraft featuring an innovative platform. In comparison to electric vehicle “skateboard” architectures, the Nikola WAV will have a “wakeboard” architecture from which other watercraft can be developed.

The Nikola WAV, all-electric watercraft. | Credit: Nikola
The Nikola Reckless military all-terrain vehicle. | Credit: Nikola

The final product presented before the main semi truck attractions took stage was a redesigned version of the Nikola NZT Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV). NZT stands for “Net Zero Toll”, meaning the vehicle leaves zero footprint wherever it’s used. The flagship Powersports vehicle is meant to change its entire relative industry towards an emissions-free, near noise-pollution-free-direction.

Finally, the Nikola Two and Europe-bound Nikola Tre Class 8 semi trucks were unveiled, all rolling out onto the stage and floor, respectively. Two Nikola Two big rigs were debuted – one red, one in “Storm Trooper” white. “This is 800V of real…I’ve been preparing for this moment my whole life,” Milton stated prior to the Nikola Two roll out. The trucks at the event were hydrogen electric versions. Once in production, however, battery-only electric versions of the two semis will also be available for purchase.

Nikola Motor CEO Trevor Milton has a candid moment before unveiling the Nikola Two at the Nikola World 2019 event. | Photo: Dacia Ferris/Teslarati
The Nikola Two hydrogen electric semi truck unveiled at the Nikola World 2019 event. | Photo: Dacia Ferris/Teslarati

The second day of Nikola World 2019 will have breakout sessions providing more details on the products revealed along with a demo track where the Nikola Two will be on display. Test ride-alongs will also be given for the NZT on a closed course track.

Follow @Teslarati for more behind-the-scenes coverage of day two of Nikola World 2019.

Watch the full live streamed Nikola World 2019 event below:

Nikola unveils five new zero-emissions vehicles at Nikola World 2019 event


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