Tesla Model Y Camp Mode is the answer to spending hundreds per night on hotel rooms

Tesla Model Y Camp Mode was put to the test by 6′ 3″ host Brian Jenkens of the i1Tesla YouTube channel.

Camp Mode was added with the 2019.40.50 software update released in late December 2019. The feature is aimed at giving owners who spend extended periods of time in their vehicles additional comfort when parked. Some owners are forced to spend overnights in their cars due to weather or other factors, making Camp Mode the perfect feature for overnight stays in a Tesla. The company’s 2019.40.50 release notes describe Camp Mode in detail:

“Your car can now maintain airflow, temperature, interior lighting, as well as play music, and power devices when Camp Mode is enabled. To enable Camp Mode, tap the fan icon at the bottom of the touchscreen and set Keep Climate On to CAMP while your car is in PARK. Big batteries rock.”

Jenkins spent several days at the Out of Spec Motoring garage testing the Model Y’s 0-60 times and 1/4-mile acceleration relative to Tesla’s fleet of Performance cars. Because of the long drive back home, he felt his drive home was too long to try to endure at 10 PM. So, he decided it was the right opportunity to use Model Y’s Camp Mode and test its effectiveness in keeping him comfortable during his night of rest on the track.

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Jenkins purchased a Tesla compatible air mattress from Amazon.com. The bed is designed for the Model X and Model S, but a lack of options for the newly released Model Y left Jenkins with no other viable choices.

The mattress fits into the vehicle well, and Jenkins rolled his car out to the track to take advantage of Model Y’s expansive all-glass roof to spend a night under the clear North Carolina sky.

The spaciousness and ability to fold down the rear seats without creating gaps in the space where an air mattress would make the Model Y a comfortable and reasonable option for sleeping.

Jenkins started the evening with a 70% battery charge and was interested to see how much climate control would drain the Tesla’s power source. The nine hours that the vehicle used Camp Mode only used 10% of the battery, even with the screen staying on all night with the cozy campfire and hidden Cybertruck, and Jenkins adjusting climate throughout his sleep.

Camp Mode’s appeal comes from the fact that it will save Tesla owners hundreds of dollars in hotel expenses by providing a comfortable and warm place to sleep despite the chilly temperatures that could be outside. The combination of the advanced climate control and a Tesla compatible air mattress could make the Model Y the best sleeping experience inside a compact vehicle on the market.

Watch Brian Jenkins of i1Tesla’s video of the Model Y using Camp Mode below.

Tesla Model Y Camp Mode is the answer to spending hundreds per night on hotel rooms

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